We are dedicated to respecting the privacy of people who visit this website. The standards below are an integral part of our privacy policy.

We do not automatically collect information about you such as your name, address, telephone number, or email address when you visit this website. This information is only collected if you provide it on your own initiative when you subscribe to the e-mail mailing list when you submit a request for information to us or complete a form on the site.

The personal information that you give us is protected under federal law on the protection of personal information. This means that you will be informed of any collection of information about you as well as the reasons for the collection and your right to access the information. However, we collect data on the number of visitors to our website in order to improve it and better meet your needs. No personal information concerning you is thus collected, the data which interests us being rather of a technical nature. For example, we want to know:

the name of your Internet service provider;

the duration of each visit;

the type of operating system (Windows, OS X, Unix, etc.) you are using;

the type of browser (Chrome, IE, Edge, Firefox, etc.) you are using.

Canadians are protected by the following two federal privacy laws: the Privacy Act and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). PIPEDA is based on the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information, which is incorporated therein. In Quebec, organizations are subject to the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector. The Access to Information Commission oversees the application of this Law.

The standards below are the functions of our privacy policy:

1. Responsibility: We are responsible for the personal information in our possession. Our CEO is responsible for implementing and enforcing privacy policies and practices.

2. Determination of Collection Purposes: Before or when collecting personal information about you, we will inform you of the reasons why we do so, how the information will be used, and the circumstances in which it is to be collected. which these could be communicated.

3. Consent: No personal information about you will be collected, used, or disclosed without your consent.

4. Limitation of Collection: Personal information about you will only be collected if it is necessary for the identified purposes and only if it is reasonable and appropriate to do so in the circumstances.

5. Limitation of the use, disclosure, and retention of personal information: Personal information about you will not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected unless you have consented to it or as required by law. Information will only be kept for as long as necessary for the fulfillment of the identified purposes.

6. Accuracy: It is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate, complete, and up to date. If you believe they are incorrect, contact us.

7. Security Measures: Personal information is protected by security measures appropriate to its degree of sensitivity. The methods of protection will include material means, administrative measures, and technical measures.

8. Transparency: Anyone interested will be provided with a copy of this privacy policy upon request.

9. Access to Personal Information: You have the right to request access to the personal information we hold about you. You can also challenge the accuracy and completeness of this information and have it corrected.

10. Complaint about non-compliance with the principles: You can complain about the non-compliance with the above principles to the CEO.


We may use advertising methods external to this site. In this case, when you visit this website or the websites or online services on which we display advertising, we collect data relating to your activities that will not identify you personally or directly.

This information may include the content you view, the date and time you view that content, the products you purchase, or information about your location through your IP address.

We collect this information in order to serve you more relevant advertising - this is a technique called "retargeting". We thus collect information on the site where you saw the advertisements that we serve to you, as well as on the advertisement on which you clicked.

While we use external advertising methods, when you browse certain websites, the online advertising networks with which we collaborate may place anonymous cookies (cookies) on your computer and use similar technologies in order to understand your interests from your online activities (anonymous) in order to offer you more relevant advertising. If you do not wish to receive these personalized advertisements, you can adjust your advertising settings so that you are no longer targeted by most companies that engage in this type of advertising activity.

In addition, if we use external advertising methods, we will not serve you targeted advertising based on sensitive personal information, including information relating to your color or ethnicity, political opinions, religious beliefs, or other information. similar in nature to your trade union membership, your health or physical or mental condition, or your sexual preferences. We can only offer you targeted advertising based on data provided by advertisers or partners or by combining it with data that we collect ourselves.

In order to reach a relevant audience, if we use external advertising methods, we may work with external advertising companies - “advertising partners” - who will help us recognize you and serve you with relevant advertising. when you visit a website or online service that is part of their network. We may also work with advertising partners to better recognize you on different devices in order to serve you relevant advertising. Our advertising partners may collect information about your activities through this website and other websites or online services that are part of their network. We also collaborate with external companies who provide us with web analysis tools that notably evaluate the use and functioning of this website so that we can continually improve this platform as well as our services.

Our external partners and we could use session cookies and persistent cookies to facilitate your navigation and enhance your user experience on this site, as well as to monitor and evaluate the functioning and use of this website.

To find out if we use external advertising methods, to edit or delete your personal information, or to opt-out of sending messages in the future, please contact us using one of the following methods:

Ali Diouri

Phone: 514-659-8892


1850, rue Panama, bureau 110

Brossard, Quebec, J4W 3C6

450 466-6000 / 514 659-8892